Wednesday, 8 August 2012

I've been hard at work all day!

Thought I would just post a small-ish update from what i've done all day, with a rant or two here and there :)

  • Woke up
Waking up took a lot of effort for me today, due to the fact that I stayed up until 3am editing today's video, which should be uploaded between 9 - 11GMT tonight! :)

  • Cut the grass
Defiantly a mission that could be in the next call of duty campaign, I live on a hill, so pushing a lawnmower up and down a hill, in grass that is at least 4 inches wasn't fun (didn't cut it for like 3 months)

And just now, im bloging, updating twitter, reading youtube comments, today couldn't get any more youtube dedicated, this video better pay off tonight, I spent about 6 hours editing, colour correcting etc, hopefully this is the perfect colour correction! :)

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Today was amazing :-)

Just a small blog post describing my day today, so basically a diary lol.

Well, I woke up today at about half 10, and went on habbo for a while whilst listening to some WingsofRedemption video's in the background. I took some basic combat training's and then I got banned becuase apparently, I took part in 'Sexual Role Play' which I clearly did not, so i'll have some more updates on that tomorrow, due to it being a one day ban.

So, that inspired me - due to the fact I was bored, to upload a vlog onto youtube, and basically, get interested in youtube again, so there I was, recording some Call of Duty.

Welcome to the Blog!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, ipauuulx here!

This is my first ever blog, I have been looking into blogs 'Diaries' in the past few days (Hence why I haven't been uploading) so here it is!

Ill be posting on this whenever I can, it could be every 1 second, to ounce a year, we will never know. This Blog will be the part of my everyday life, you tube life, habbo, world of Warcraft, coding,  EVERYTHING!

More posts coming soon! :)
